Donation of CuddleCot System for Infant Loss Families at Meriter Hospital

Cuddle_Cot_BannerMikayla’s Grace has partnered with Babies Gone Too Soon to provide a donation of a CuddleCot System for Meriter Hospital.  This unit will be one of the only ones used currently in the United States, although they are used extensively in other countries.  We are excited to be able to bring something to our local hospitals that will improve patient experience and give them more time with their babies when they experience an infant loss.

The cost of providing this unit to one hospital is $3000.  If you would like to donate to help provide this unit and ones to future hospitals, please donate through this button below and put CuddleCot in the donation comments.  We know with your support we can continue finding ways to comfort bereaved parents!

This info from Flexmort’s Website on the CuddleCot:


Dealing with the death of a baby is clearly an incredibly difficult event for parents and bereaved parents should be given the option of spending Time with their baby. Providing families Time is internationally encouraged by midwives, bereavement practitioners, still birth/neonatal charities, academics and is also recognised in International Position statements/guidance. Time allows the family to form an important bond with their baby; whether changing a nappy, dressing the baby or simply just to stay close this can help families in dealing with their loss. The problem is that in a warm room the baby’s condition can deteriorate quickly which parents often find distressing. Therefore cooling the baby is absolutely essential, however parents do not want the trauma of being separated from their baby whilst they are placed into a mortuary refrigerator to cool.

How does the CuddleCot™ help?

The CuddleCot™ system cools the baby in situ allowing the baby to remain with the family thereby providing the family time they want. The CuddleCot™ cooling pad is placed in any moses basket, crib, pram or bed; it is connected by a specially insulated hose and is quietly cooled using the CuddleCot™ cooling unit. The CuddleCot™ system comes in its own carry case and Flexmort’s moses baskets are also available as an option.

The benefits of using the Flexmort CuddleCot™ system in helping a family deal with bereavement are widely accepted across the globe and the system is in worldwide use across maternity departments and children’s hospices e.g United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and the US. Please see testimonials at the bottom of this page. The CuddleCot™ meets the rigorous hospital equipment applicable standards for use within hospital environments across the world and our UK premises are inspected regularly by the relevant organisations who issue certification/approvals.

Here is one mom’s testimonial of using the CuddleCot:

“We HAD to spend as much time with him as we possibly could because once we let him go we would never see him again.  I came to find out weeks later that this chilled Moses Basket was one of two Cuddle Cots in the U.S. and we had the great fortune to have access to one. It was discreet and quiet and the Moses basket beautifully masked the chilling pad.

The Cuddle Cot gave us the irreplaceable gift of time. We all have limited time on earth with our loved ones but when decades are condensed into hours every extra minute is precious and necessary. We were granted time in a quiet and private place (after all of the drama of delivery) to say goodbye to our child (and all of the dreams we had for him). We were granted time to just look at him and memorize as best as we could his beautiful form. We were granted time to call our families so they could come and visit us and spend the time they needed to both meet him and say goodbye to him. Humans aren’t hardwired to accept birth and death in one day. It’s not natural. It’s unfair. It’s so many indescribable things. Families that have to suffer this agonizing experience should be treated with as much compassion and time as possible.

Most parents are blessed to have many memories and experiences with their children to reminisce over on nights when they’re missing them. The only experience I will ever have with my son is the time I spent with him in the hospital after delivery. Having access to a Cuddle Cot gave me the opportunity to spend several uninterrupted hours with him so that I might carry that ONE and ONLY memory of him with me for the rest of the days of my life.”

Here are some videos showing more: